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Agile Health Insurance

Why Choose AdvantHealth Short-Term Medical Insurance Plans?


Medical Insurance

There may be periods in life that can leave you and your family temporarily uninsured. AdvantHealth short-term health insurance plans can help protect you from potentially high medical costs associated with unexpected sickness or injury. American Financial Security Life Insurance understands your needs, and offers affordable health insurance plans to protect you and your family. AdvantHealth plans are short-term health insurance available for 30 days to up to thirty-six months (varies by state), and provides coverage for unexpected medical expenses.

It is ideal for those who are:

  • In between jobs or have been laid off

  • Waiting for employer health benefits to start

  • Bridging the open enrollment gap

  • Recent graduates

  • Part-time or temporary employees

  • Without adequate affordable health insurance

AdvantHealth Health Insurance Feature Highlights

  • Coverage Period Maximums of $500,000 or $1,000,000

  • Deductible options of $1,000, $2,500 or $5,000

  • Access to the PHCS Network

  • Coinsurance options: 80/20

  • Purchase in full or make monthly payments

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